passing comment

It has just occurred to me that after a year, only two or three people from St Mary’s have ever joined in the comments.

I wonder why.

When I started the blog, I tried hard to get conversation going, and a small but chatty group of people emerged — some from church, some from my past lives, some who became friends through blogging.

I wonder if I’ve just forgotten to work at getting conversation going lately… or if the good people of Dunblane don’t read blogs… or if I just need to find the right topic…


7 thoughts on “passing comment”

  1. Don’t take it to heart. My lot don’t comment either – or at least just a few do. But they mostly read it, as I know from comments said to me at church.

    Process of commenting is complicated – according to Blethers – on WordPress?
    Not worthy enough?

  2. I often feel as if I don’t want to draw attention to myself. Rest assured, I am a regular reader and will pay attention to what you say and have a go at joining in more. Trouble is, I doubt if I have interesting things to say. As for your local people, maybe they, too, feel awkward. It’s easier to make comments when you don’t know the person and probably won’t be identified or noticed! Your posts are always relevant, sometimes amusing and sometimes sad. And occasionally absolutely breathtaking. Keep doing what you are doing and keep enjoying it. Every Blessing

  3. Thanks. I don’t need people to respond to what I write.

    I just want to make sure that people feel able to join in if they want to, and wondered therefore if there was any particular reason they didn’t.

  4. Speech has been with us for hundreds of thousands of years, writing for thousands, blogging for about ten. The mass of people, including the congregation, may be something like 100 fold more comfortable in speech than the written word, and 100 fold more comfortable on paper than in a blog. I’m afraid something of this even goes back to our remote australopithecine ancestors sitting in a group scratching each other’s itches; there are aspects of conversation that still go on better face to face.

  5. I agree, Anthony, there are *lots* of aspects of conversation that go better face to face.

    But I’ve found that others are more possible by blog. And most interestingly, that sometimes one leads to another and enriches both.

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